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Total War: THREE KINGDOMS - Yellow Turban Rebellion For Mac

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Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – Yellow Turban Rebellion Warlord Pack. A brand-new sub-culture to play as: rekindle the Yellow Turban Rebellion, lead their struggle against the corrupt Han and bring about the Era of Great Peace; Three new playable Warlords; He Yi, Gong Du, and Huang Shao; Three new hero classes: Healer, Scholar, and Veteran.

  • Take control of either Emperor Ling's dynasty or the rebel Yellow Turbans in the biggest and latest DLC for Total War: Three Kingdoms.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – Yellow Turban Rebellion Warlord Pack A brand-new sub-culture to play as: rekindle the Yellow Turban Rebellion, lead their struggle against the corrupt Han and bring about the Era of Great Peace Three new playable Warlords; He Yi, Gong Du, and Huang Shao Three new hero classes: Healer, Scholar, and Veteran.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS allows players to step into the shoes of one of a number of legendary warlords in this age of glorious conquest. Although the ultimate goal for each leader is the same – unite China under your banner and forge the next great dynasty – the preferred means and methods can differ greatly.

Welcome, visitors. Total War: THREE KINGDOMS/ 3 KINGDOMS game guide focuses on Yellow Turban tips, tricks, and all units. This guide includes basic questions of Yellow Turbans like how to get, download or activate Yellow Turban DLC. You can read also all units and ranks at Yellow Turban DLC.

The guide will give you basic tips, tricks, and strategical advice on Yellow Turban DLC. While writing this instruction, we pick up many pieces of information from several sites for you. We hope that this guide will help you.

Total war: three kingdoms - yellow turban rebellion for mac x

Activating the Yellow Turban Rebellion DLC

Total war three kingdoms yellow turban

'Some of you have been experiencing issues with activating the Yellow Turban Rebellion DLC, which is available free with purchases of Total War: THREE KINGDOMS as an early adopter bonus until Thursday the 30th of May at 15:00 UK time (BST).

In order to get this sorted as soon as possible, please get in touch with SEGA Support at, who will be handling this issue from now on.'

This is what devs. wrote about activating the yellow turban DLC. That is not saying that you have to buy the DLC again. It is saying that a mistake was made and you need to contact support to make sure that you get what you purchased.

Quick Yellow Turban Faction Question

  • Does Yellow Turban Rebel faction have a win condition like how regular factions need to get 3 Emperor capital cities?


  • Can Yellow Turban faction leader die? If so, how does succession work?

Yes. If they die it seems to be passed to the second highest in level.

  • Which type of general does gives formations and also which type of general gives the flaming arrow?

1. None of Yellow Turban generals gives formations. Their access to formation is only through ancillaries and they are rare.

2. Most of a general's skill tree is random. Depend on luck whether your generals have access to flaming arrow.

3. I've not seen any way to access flaming trebuchet shots or explosive arrows for that matter for YT factions.

General rank at which yellow turban units are unlocked


  • spearmen (rank 5)
  • warriors (rank 4)
  • horsemen (rank 3)
  • archers (rank 1)
  • men of the forest (rank 1)


  • spearmen (rank 5)
  • warriors (rank 1)
  • horsemen (rank 3)
  • archers (rank 5)
  • yellow sky heralds (rank 1)


  • spearmen (rank 1)
  • warriors (rank 4)
  • horsemen (rank 3)
  • archers (rank 5)
  • peoples warband (rank 1)

Yellow Turban Tips Tricks

The game has just finished as He Yi on Legendary / Legendary, and here some basic tips about the generals, army composition, and commanderies!

Generals and army composition

Generals for the Yellow Turbans are unique – there are only 3 types (Healer, Scholar, and Veteran) but there are several backgrounds for each type that affect the skills they can learn.

Healer (Green / Red) – I used 4 White Wave Veterans + 2 White Wave Horsemen for the entire game. White Wave Veterans have great morale, and White Wave Horseman are the only shock cavalry you can get. Pretty much any background works as a general, but Seers and Fortune-tellers are the worst. I used them for assignments for the whole game. Physicians are the the best generals because they get +10% melee damage, +10% armor-piercing damage, +10% armor, and several other buffs.

Scholar (Purple / Yellow) – 6 Archery Masters, as soon as you can get them. Archery Masters are extremely powerful. Most battles saw them averaging between 200 and 400 kills per unit. You might actually have a hard time leveling up your melee troops because the enemy will route before they reach you. Brewers make the best generals and should usually command the army because they get +10% ranged damage, +10% ranged armor-piercing damage, and +10% ranged fire rate (when commanding). Farmers make the best Administrators, and Potters are good for assignments after they get the +30% income from industry assignment.

Veteran (Blue / Green) – You might want to use Veterans for archers for the first ~50 turns, but after your Scholars unlock Archery Masters you'll want to recruit 4 Reclaimers + 2 Trebuchets. Monks, Philosophers, and Sorcerers make the best generals because they're the only Veterans that can unlock Flaming Shot. Writers and Astrologists get pretty good buffs for spear infantry, but no Flaming Shot is a deal-breaker.

For almost every army, I just used 1 of each general. If I was missing a Healer or a Veteran I used a Yellow Turban Warriors Captain, and if I was missing a Scholar I used a Yellow Turban Archers Captain. With 1 Captain you can still beat pretty much any other army you'll see, but with 2 Captains you'll probably want to bring another army as backup.

Total War: Three Kingdoms - Yellow Turban Rebellion For Mac Download

If you declare yourself emperor, you'll be able to field a dozen or more armies like this, which makes it easy to steamroll enemy armies and either vassalize them or wipe them out. On a related note, I noticed that if you have several vassals, it seems to be best to execute everyone you capture because your vassals (who you hopefully called to help you) will love you for it. You can also dump ancillaries on your vassals in exchange for territory or money – this works great with armor, since you can't equip any of it.


As for commanderies, you can pretty much divide them into 2 types: food and not-food.

Food commanderies are any commanderies that have green resources that produce food. For each one of these, I kept them as a City and built all 3 green buildings + a Garrison. Keeping it as a City keeps public order from being a problem while still giving you plenty of food (playing as He Yi, I had several Imperial Cities and still had enough food to sell). If the green province has Jetties, you can keep growing past City for the commerce income.

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Not-food commanderies are anything else, and I just kept growing them to Small Regional Cities to unlock all the building slots, and then maximizing whatever income that was coming from Resources. You'll want at least 1 public order building to keep the penalties from population down, and Garrisons are always good. Forges are particularly good in industry commanderies, because they give +20% replenishment. Late game, you'll be able to replenish an entire army in 1 or 2 turns.

This is the ending of Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Yellow Turban Tips Tricks and All Units guide. Hope it will help you. If there is wrong or you have suggestions, please let's know and comment us. Have fun.

Similar Posts:

NOTICE: Activation key mustbe used on a valid Steam account. Requires an internetconnection.

about the game

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – Yellow TurbanRebellion Warlord Pack

  • A brand-new sub-culture to play as: rekindle the Yellow TurbanRebellion, lead their struggle against the corrupt Han and bringabout the Era of Great Peace
  • Three new playable Warlords; He Yi, Gong Du, and HuangShao
  • Three new hero classes: Healer, Scholar, and Veteran
  • A unique and versatile unit roster composed of a cross-sectionof society: Militias formed from the forgotten and downtroddenmasses fight side by side with disgruntled soldiers, religiouszealots and former officials, united in a common cause
  • Brand new approach to technology focusing on interpreting the‘Three Books of Great Peace'
  • New character skills focused on the three virtues of Taoism:Frugality, Compassion, and Humility
  • New weapons and armour suitable for the new heroes.

Total War Three Kingdoms Yellow Turban Rebellion

We are the poor and the oppressed. We are the common-folk;the farmers and the soldiers; the Han Dynasty's forgottenmultitude. Oh Emperor, we are your people.

And yet you languish in the imperial palace, eunuchs andnobles whispering falsehoods in your ear. You do their bidding. Youare their puppet. Even as we starve, you tax us ever harder, thatthey may continue to live in luxury.

When we rose in opposition, you slaughtered us in ourmillions. Many more were slain by your agents on suspicion alone.It is clear to us now: you have lost the Mandate ofHeaven.

We are the poor and the oppressed. But we are also the many.We are the very backbone of China.
We wear the yellow turban with pride. And we bring great change.

The Blue Sky is dead; the Yellow Sky will soonrise.

In the year of Jiazi, there will be prosperity underHeaven!


The Yellow Turbans were a rebel movement of the common people,founded on spiritual beliefs. Tired of oppression, starvation andinjustice at the hands of the Han Dynasty, they rose up against thecorrupt nobility. Prior to the start of this campaign, a massiveYellow Turban rebellion had swept through China led by the Zhangbrothers, who used Taoist divination to predict the fall of the Handynasty. However, this initial rebellion was ruthlessly crushed andmillions of civilians suspected of being sympathisers wereslaughtered without mercy. As the campaign begins, the Zhangbrothers are already dead, and only three significant enclaves ofYellow Turbans remain. Playing as one of these factions, you canchange history, rekindling the movement and uniting China under arightful, virtuous and just Emperor.

Yellow Turban Factions Vst torrents mac.

Total War: Three Kingdoms - Yellow Turban Rebellion For Mac X

The Yellow Turbans' beliefs blend Taoism and shamanisticprinciples, and these spiritual aspects are a recurring themethroughout their faction gameplay. Many of their features relate tothe three Taoist domains of Land, People and Heaven, or the ThreeTreasures (or virtues) of Taoism: Frugality, Compassion, andHumility.

Reflecting these concepts, the playable Yellow Turban factionsare led by the characters He Yi (People), Gong Du (Land) and HuangShao (Heaven). Each has their own playstyle and unique bonuses.

Yellow Turban factions construct a mix of adapted Han buildingsand their own unique structures. Their technology tree is dividedinto three scrolls from the Book of Great Peace, each of whichreferences the three Taoist domains and contains verses of Taoistscripture. It is structurally and mechanically very different fromthe default tech trees used by other factions.

Playable Yellow Turban factions improve their Faction Rank astheir campaigns progress. These represent the journey toenlightenment, the achievement of The Great Peace, regaining theMandate of Heaven, and appointing a just Emperor. Progressionrequires the player to study the verses in the Book of Great Peace,construct religious building in their settlements and improve thevirtuous characteristics of the characters under their control.


The Yellow Turbans have three playable heroes representing theirfactions. Each has their own playstyle, unique building chain andfaction bonuses:

  • He Yi is a Yellow Turban commander from Yu province. Like theoriginal founders of the Yellow Turban movement, he is a Healer,and empathises with the suffering of the common people. He is ableto rally vast masses to the cause of the rebellion.
    Representing the domain of People, He Yi espouses Compassion. Hefields veteran Yellow Turban warriors and strong berserkers inbattle, and has access to the Healer's Lodge unique building chain,a multifunctional building boosting population growth andreplenishment and generating a small income from the sale ofmedicine.
  • Gong Du is a Veteran. Originally a bandit leader in theChangsha area, he aided Ou Xing in his rebellion against Sun Jian.He is a former military commander, and something of a charmingbrigand: well-liked and popular with the troops. He is dedicated toclaiming the spoils from the tyrants he overthrows.
    Representing the domain of Land, Gong Du espouses frugality. Hefields former soldiers, guardsmen and converted nobles in battleand can build the unique Hidden Fort building chain that helpssupply the Yellow Turban armies and increases the amount of spoilsthey can carry off after a battle.
  • Huang Shao is a Scholar, and a Yellow Turban commander from YuProvince. He is the only leader to have met the original foundersof the Yellow Turban rebellion. As such, he best understands theirspiritual teachings, and aims to ensure the rebellion doesn't loseits way on the road to realising The Great Peace.
    Representing the domain of Heaven, Huang Shao espouses Humility. Hefields religious fanatics, spiritual martial artists and scholarsin battle, and can build the Gardens unique building, a tranquilplace that helps keep both the people and the characters underHuang Shao's control happy.

Battlefield Units

The Yellow Turbans have a unique and highly thematicunit-roster. As many of their warriors are drawn from vast swathesof peasants and civilians or those who have backgrounds assoldiers, devotees or scholars, there is a great diversity withinindividual units, given the varied occupations and backgrounds ofits members.

The masses of basic Peasant and Yellow Turban units areavailable to all Yellow Turban characters. Key specialist and eliteunits are then available according to the domains each herorepresents.

Please note this unit roster and unit characteristics aresubject to change.


Healer General, no armour, support role

Veteran General, heavy armour, tank role

Scholar General, medium armour, damage role

Core units (available to all):

Peasant Warriors: no armour, improvised weapons

Peasant Spearmen: no armour, bamboo spears

Peasant Archers: no armour, simple bow

Yellow Turban Warriors: light armour, sabre, light shield

Yellow Turban Horsemen: light armour, sabre, light shield

Yellow Turban Spearmen: light armour, spear, light shield

Yellow Turban Archers: light armour, bow, light sword

He Yi and Healer specialist units (Domain ofPeople):

Arm of the Supreme Peace (shock infantry): light armour,2-handed ball mace, high health, splash attacks

Youxia (melee infantry): medium armour, sword, fine shield,disciplined

Bringers of Righteousness (hybrid infantry): light armour,polearm, bow, decent ranged and melee capabilities

White Wave Veterans (melee infantry): light armour, sabre,shield, high move speed, strong charge

White Wave Horsemen (shock cavalry): light armour, spear,shield, high move speed, strong charge

Total War Three Kingdoms - Yellow Turban Rebellion

People's Warband (melee infantry) light armour, dual sabres,good offense

Gong Du and Veteran Specialist units (Domain ofLand):

Virtuous Noblemen (melee cavalry): ornate armour, spear, fineshield, high armour and offensive capabilities

Guardians of the Land (halberd infantry): medium armour,polearm, good melee capabilities

Watchmen of the Peace (ranged): medium armour, crossbow, shield,sabre, mixed formation, high ranged damage with armour piercingcapabilities

Reclaimers (spear infantry): medium armour, spear, large shield,increases battle loot

Men of the Forest (ranged): light armour, bow, axe, vanguarddeployment, can fire whilst hidden

Horseback Huntsmen (ranged cavalry): light armour, bow, lightsword

Huang Shao and Scholar Specialist units (Domain ofHeaven):

Scholar-Warriors (melee infantry): ornate light armour, dualsabres, strong melee capabilities

Archery Masters (expert ranged): no armour, bow, light sword,high ammo and good accuracy

Venerable Wu (shock infantry): no armour, sword, resilient,cause fear

Yellow Sky Heralds (shock infantry): no armour, mace,unbreakable, runs amok

Chanters (support): no armour, mace, boosts nearby units


Activating the Yellow Turban Rebellion DLC

'Some of you have been experiencing issues with activating the Yellow Turban Rebellion DLC, which is available free with purchases of Total War: THREE KINGDOMS as an early adopter bonus until Thursday the 30th of May at 15:00 UK time (BST).

In order to get this sorted as soon as possible, please get in touch with SEGA Support at, who will be handling this issue from now on.'

This is what devs. wrote about activating the yellow turban DLC. That is not saying that you have to buy the DLC again. It is saying that a mistake was made and you need to contact support to make sure that you get what you purchased.

Quick Yellow Turban Faction Question

  • Does Yellow Turban Rebel faction have a win condition like how regular factions need to get 3 Emperor capital cities?


  • Can Yellow Turban faction leader die? If so, how does succession work?

Yes. If they die it seems to be passed to the second highest in level.

  • Which type of general does gives formations and also which type of general gives the flaming arrow?

1. None of Yellow Turban generals gives formations. Their access to formation is only through ancillaries and they are rare.

2. Most of a general's skill tree is random. Depend on luck whether your generals have access to flaming arrow.

3. I've not seen any way to access flaming trebuchet shots or explosive arrows for that matter for YT factions.

General rank at which yellow turban units are unlocked


  • spearmen (rank 5)
  • warriors (rank 4)
  • horsemen (rank 3)
  • archers (rank 1)
  • men of the forest (rank 1)


  • spearmen (rank 5)
  • warriors (rank 1)
  • horsemen (rank 3)
  • archers (rank 5)
  • yellow sky heralds (rank 1)


  • spearmen (rank 1)
  • warriors (rank 4)
  • horsemen (rank 3)
  • archers (rank 5)
  • peoples warband (rank 1)

Yellow Turban Tips Tricks

The game has just finished as He Yi on Legendary / Legendary, and here some basic tips about the generals, army composition, and commanderies!

Generals and army composition

Generals for the Yellow Turbans are unique – there are only 3 types (Healer, Scholar, and Veteran) but there are several backgrounds for each type that affect the skills they can learn.

Healer (Green / Red) – I used 4 White Wave Veterans + 2 White Wave Horsemen for the entire game. White Wave Veterans have great morale, and White Wave Horseman are the only shock cavalry you can get. Pretty much any background works as a general, but Seers and Fortune-tellers are the worst. I used them for assignments for the whole game. Physicians are the the best generals because they get +10% melee damage, +10% armor-piercing damage, +10% armor, and several other buffs.

Scholar (Purple / Yellow) – 6 Archery Masters, as soon as you can get them. Archery Masters are extremely powerful. Most battles saw them averaging between 200 and 400 kills per unit. You might actually have a hard time leveling up your melee troops because the enemy will route before they reach you. Brewers make the best generals and should usually command the army because they get +10% ranged damage, +10% ranged armor-piercing damage, and +10% ranged fire rate (when commanding). Farmers make the best Administrators, and Potters are good for assignments after they get the +30% income from industry assignment.

Veteran (Blue / Green) – You might want to use Veterans for archers for the first ~50 turns, but after your Scholars unlock Archery Masters you'll want to recruit 4 Reclaimers + 2 Trebuchets. Monks, Philosophers, and Sorcerers make the best generals because they're the only Veterans that can unlock Flaming Shot. Writers and Astrologists get pretty good buffs for spear infantry, but no Flaming Shot is a deal-breaker.

For almost every army, I just used 1 of each general. If I was missing a Healer or a Veteran I used a Yellow Turban Warriors Captain, and if I was missing a Scholar I used a Yellow Turban Archers Captain. With 1 Captain you can still beat pretty much any other army you'll see, but with 2 Captains you'll probably want to bring another army as backup.

Total War: Three Kingdoms - Yellow Turban Rebellion For Mac Download

If you declare yourself emperor, you'll be able to field a dozen or more armies like this, which makes it easy to steamroll enemy armies and either vassalize them or wipe them out. On a related note, I noticed that if you have several vassals, it seems to be best to execute everyone you capture because your vassals (who you hopefully called to help you) will love you for it. You can also dump ancillaries on your vassals in exchange for territory or money – this works great with armor, since you can't equip any of it.


As for commanderies, you can pretty much divide them into 2 types: food and not-food.

Food commanderies are any commanderies that have green resources that produce food. For each one of these, I kept them as a City and built all 3 green buildings + a Garrison. Keeping it as a City keeps public order from being a problem while still giving you plenty of food (playing as He Yi, I had several Imperial Cities and still had enough food to sell). If the green province has Jetties, you can keep growing past City for the commerce income.

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Not-food commanderies are anything else, and I just kept growing them to Small Regional Cities to unlock all the building slots, and then maximizing whatever income that was coming from Resources. You'll want at least 1 public order building to keep the penalties from population down, and Garrisons are always good. Forges are particularly good in industry commanderies, because they give +20% replenishment. Late game, you'll be able to replenish an entire army in 1 or 2 turns.

This is the ending of Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Yellow Turban Tips Tricks and All Units guide. Hope it will help you. If there is wrong or you have suggestions, please let's know and comment us. Have fun.

Similar Posts:

NOTICE: Activation key mustbe used on a valid Steam account. Requires an internetconnection.

about the game

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS – Yellow TurbanRebellion Warlord Pack

  • A brand-new sub-culture to play as: rekindle the Yellow TurbanRebellion, lead their struggle against the corrupt Han and bringabout the Era of Great Peace
  • Three new playable Warlords; He Yi, Gong Du, and HuangShao
  • Three new hero classes: Healer, Scholar, and Veteran
  • A unique and versatile unit roster composed of a cross-sectionof society: Militias formed from the forgotten and downtroddenmasses fight side by side with disgruntled soldiers, religiouszealots and former officials, united in a common cause
  • Brand new approach to technology focusing on interpreting the‘Three Books of Great Peace'
  • New character skills focused on the three virtues of Taoism:Frugality, Compassion, and Humility
  • New weapons and armour suitable for the new heroes.

Total War Three Kingdoms Yellow Turban Rebellion

We are the poor and the oppressed. We are the common-folk;the farmers and the soldiers; the Han Dynasty's forgottenmultitude. Oh Emperor, we are your people.

And yet you languish in the imperial palace, eunuchs andnobles whispering falsehoods in your ear. You do their bidding. Youare their puppet. Even as we starve, you tax us ever harder, thatthey may continue to live in luxury.

When we rose in opposition, you slaughtered us in ourmillions. Many more were slain by your agents on suspicion alone.It is clear to us now: you have lost the Mandate ofHeaven.

We are the poor and the oppressed. But we are also the many.We are the very backbone of China.
We wear the yellow turban with pride. And we bring great change.

The Blue Sky is dead; the Yellow Sky will soonrise.

In the year of Jiazi, there will be prosperity underHeaven!


The Yellow Turbans were a rebel movement of the common people,founded on spiritual beliefs. Tired of oppression, starvation andinjustice at the hands of the Han Dynasty, they rose up against thecorrupt nobility. Prior to the start of this campaign, a massiveYellow Turban rebellion had swept through China led by the Zhangbrothers, who used Taoist divination to predict the fall of the Handynasty. However, this initial rebellion was ruthlessly crushed andmillions of civilians suspected of being sympathisers wereslaughtered without mercy. As the campaign begins, the Zhangbrothers are already dead, and only three significant enclaves ofYellow Turbans remain. Playing as one of these factions, you canchange history, rekindling the movement and uniting China under arightful, virtuous and just Emperor.

Yellow Turban Factions Vst torrents mac.

Total War: Three Kingdoms - Yellow Turban Rebellion For Mac X

The Yellow Turbans' beliefs blend Taoism and shamanisticprinciples, and these spiritual aspects are a recurring themethroughout their faction gameplay. Many of their features relate tothe three Taoist domains of Land, People and Heaven, or the ThreeTreasures (or virtues) of Taoism: Frugality, Compassion, andHumility.

Reflecting these concepts, the playable Yellow Turban factionsare led by the characters He Yi (People), Gong Du (Land) and HuangShao (Heaven). Each has their own playstyle and unique bonuses.

Yellow Turban factions construct a mix of adapted Han buildingsand their own unique structures. Their technology tree is dividedinto three scrolls from the Book of Great Peace, each of whichreferences the three Taoist domains and contains verses of Taoistscripture. It is structurally and mechanically very different fromthe default tech trees used by other factions.

Playable Yellow Turban factions improve their Faction Rank astheir campaigns progress. These represent the journey toenlightenment, the achievement of The Great Peace, regaining theMandate of Heaven, and appointing a just Emperor. Progressionrequires the player to study the verses in the Book of Great Peace,construct religious building in their settlements and improve thevirtuous characteristics of the characters under their control.


The Yellow Turbans have three playable heroes representing theirfactions. Each has their own playstyle, unique building chain andfaction bonuses:

  • He Yi is a Yellow Turban commander from Yu province. Like theoriginal founders of the Yellow Turban movement, he is a Healer,and empathises with the suffering of the common people. He is ableto rally vast masses to the cause of the rebellion.
    Representing the domain of People, He Yi espouses Compassion. Hefields veteran Yellow Turban warriors and strong berserkers inbattle, and has access to the Healer's Lodge unique building chain,a multifunctional building boosting population growth andreplenishment and generating a small income from the sale ofmedicine.
  • Gong Du is a Veteran. Originally a bandit leader in theChangsha area, he aided Ou Xing in his rebellion against Sun Jian.He is a former military commander, and something of a charmingbrigand: well-liked and popular with the troops. He is dedicated toclaiming the spoils from the tyrants he overthrows.
    Representing the domain of Land, Gong Du espouses frugality. Hefields former soldiers, guardsmen and converted nobles in battleand can build the unique Hidden Fort building chain that helpssupply the Yellow Turban armies and increases the amount of spoilsthey can carry off after a battle.
  • Huang Shao is a Scholar, and a Yellow Turban commander from YuProvince. He is the only leader to have met the original foundersof the Yellow Turban rebellion. As such, he best understands theirspiritual teachings, and aims to ensure the rebellion doesn't loseits way on the road to realising The Great Peace.
    Representing the domain of Heaven, Huang Shao espouses Humility. Hefields religious fanatics, spiritual martial artists and scholarsin battle, and can build the Gardens unique building, a tranquilplace that helps keep both the people and the characters underHuang Shao's control happy.

Battlefield Units

The Yellow Turbans have a unique and highly thematicunit-roster. As many of their warriors are drawn from vast swathesof peasants and civilians or those who have backgrounds assoldiers, devotees or scholars, there is a great diversity withinindividual units, given the varied occupations and backgrounds ofits members.

The masses of basic Peasant and Yellow Turban units areavailable to all Yellow Turban characters. Key specialist and eliteunits are then available according to the domains each herorepresents.

Please note this unit roster and unit characteristics aresubject to change.


Healer General, no armour, support role

Veteran General, heavy armour, tank role

Scholar General, medium armour, damage role

Core units (available to all):

Peasant Warriors: no armour, improvised weapons

Peasant Spearmen: no armour, bamboo spears

Peasant Archers: no armour, simple bow

Yellow Turban Warriors: light armour, sabre, light shield

Yellow Turban Horsemen: light armour, sabre, light shield

Yellow Turban Spearmen: light armour, spear, light shield

Yellow Turban Archers: light armour, bow, light sword

He Yi and Healer specialist units (Domain ofPeople):

Arm of the Supreme Peace (shock infantry): light armour,2-handed ball mace, high health, splash attacks

Youxia (melee infantry): medium armour, sword, fine shield,disciplined

Bringers of Righteousness (hybrid infantry): light armour,polearm, bow, decent ranged and melee capabilities

White Wave Veterans (melee infantry): light armour, sabre,shield, high move speed, strong charge

White Wave Horsemen (shock cavalry): light armour, spear,shield, high move speed, strong charge

Total War Three Kingdoms - Yellow Turban Rebellion

People's Warband (melee infantry) light armour, dual sabres,good offense

Gong Du and Veteran Specialist units (Domain ofLand):

Virtuous Noblemen (melee cavalry): ornate armour, spear, fineshield, high armour and offensive capabilities

Guardians of the Land (halberd infantry): medium armour,polearm, good melee capabilities

Watchmen of the Peace (ranged): medium armour, crossbow, shield,sabre, mixed formation, high ranged damage with armour piercingcapabilities

Reclaimers (spear infantry): medium armour, spear, large shield,increases battle loot

Men of the Forest (ranged): light armour, bow, axe, vanguarddeployment, can fire whilst hidden

Horseback Huntsmen (ranged cavalry): light armour, bow, lightsword

Huang Shao and Scholar Specialist units (Domain ofHeaven):

Scholar-Warriors (melee infantry): ornate light armour, dualsabres, strong melee capabilities

Archery Masters (expert ranged): no armour, bow, light sword,high ammo and good accuracy

Venerable Wu (shock infantry): no armour, sword, resilient,cause fear

Yellow Sky Heralds (shock infantry): no armour, mace,unbreakable, runs amok

Chanters (support): no armour, mace, boosts nearby units

Militia of Virtue (spear infantry): no armour, staff, high dodgechance

Lords Mobile: Prepare to enter a world of chaos in Lords Mobile, a real-time, competitive strategy game. Build up your empire, collect exotic Heroes, train your troops, and battle your way to the top! Even in this dog-eat-dog world, perhaps you'll find an alliance within a. Garrison vs Reinforcing. What's the difference between sending a Garisson and sending reinforcements? Important to note. Only people in your. HephBot Hephbot is a bot for Lords Mobile help on the free messaging app Line. This AMAZING tool is available as a Line friend. Garrison vs Reinforcing June 01, 2018 What's the difference between sending a Garisson and sending reinforcements? Important to note. HephBot Hephbot is a bot for Lords Mobile help on the free messaging app Line. This AMAZING tool is available as a Line friend. Once you're friends with it, just type help and it'll give you the menu for options. Lords mobile barracks. Garrison VS Reinforce Specific Question. Hey Lords, Had a question about hiding my troops. If say the person's shield has expired where I am hiding, will garrisoned troops stay at their castle or return? I have played out the other scenario with reinforcing and they don't stay.

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